
Responsibility: The Company is responsible for the maintenance of all Company-owned structures including laterals, canals, headgates, and checks.

Rodent Control: The Company employs a full-time rodent control officer who traps rodents to prevent damage to the canals, and in turn protect the farmers' fields from possible floods and erosion. The Company cannot dispense rodent control supplies to the public. Please call the Canal Company office to report signs of rodent infestation anywhere along with the system.


RESPONSIBILITY: The maintenance of water conveyance systems downstream of the Company headgate is the responsibility of the individuals who installed the systems. A conveyance system must be maintained so as not to damage or in any way injure the property of others. This includes all culvert crossings, siphons, and pipelines whether private, county, state, or in local highway districts. Once water is measured and released by the Company, responsibility is shifted to the waterusers downstream from the Company headgate.

COMMUNITY DITCHES: The responsibility for maintenance of community ditches delivering water beyond the Canal Company delivery gate rests with the ultimate user. The ditch owner has the right to enter the land across which the right-of-way extends, and to occupy a width of land along the banks for purposes of cleaning, maintaining, and repairing the conveyance systems.

FLOODING: If a property is being flooded, and examination reveals that the flooding is caused by a lack of maintenance of the wateruser’s conveyance system, the flow through the Canal Company delivery gate will be turned off and remain off until the problem is corrected.

WEEDS: Waterusers are responsible for weed control on their private ditches.

CULVERTS: If a stockholder wishes to install culverts, first obtain permission from the Company to ensure the culverts are of adequate size. The right and responsibility for operation and maintenance of the culvert shall remain with the installer or landowner.

LATERALS AND HEADGATES: Main canals, laterals, structures, and headgates may not be re-located or piped without the approval of the Company.

CONSTRUCTION: Even with Company approval, all construction involving canal changes is at the expense of the stockholder.

All construction work must be accomplished in the non-irrigation season. Such work should be completed before March 1.

IDAHO CODE 42-1207:
Change of Lateral Ditch or Buried Irrigation Conduit. With written Company approval, the landowner has the right at their own expense to change a lateral, ditch, or buried irrigation conduit. Any increased operation and maintenance is the responsibility of the landowner that makes the change. Any changes shall not impede the flow of water, or otherwise injure any person using the lateral, ditch, or buried irrigation conduit.

LANDOWNER: On his own property, a landowner has the right to pipe and bury the ditch of another, provided the pipe, installation, and backfill meet standard specifications and are approved by the Company. The landowner is then responsible for any increased operation and maintenance costs, including rehabilitation and replacement, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the ditch owner.

WATERUSER DITCHOWNER: A ditch owner has the right to place his ditch in a buried conduit within the easement or right-of-way on the property of another in accordance with standard specifications for pipe, materials, installation, and backfill. Maintenance of the buried conduit becomes the responsibility of the ditch owner.
