State Agreement: The Canal Company has rights-of-way along the sides of its Main canals (50 feet), major laterals (30 feet), and smaller laterals (15 feet or a proportionate width) by virtue of a 1903 Agreement with the State of Idaho. These measurements are from the toe of the bank.
No Special Privileges: A right-of-way is only for operation and maintenance of the canal system. The Company cannot grant any privileges such as hunting or hiking.
Trespassing: Public access is not permitted on Company rights-of-way, bridges or laterals; violators are deemed trespassers. Swimming in canals or laterals also constitutes trespassing.
Trees: TFCC does not permit trees to be grown on the rights-of-way; volunteer trees are programmed for removal. Trees interfere with maintenance and rob the system of water. Tree roots can cause seepage and result in eventual canal breaks.
Noxious Weeds: The Company continues efforts to eradicate noxious weeds on rights of way and solicits the waterusers' help.
Accessible: Company rights-of-way are to be accessible without obstructions to employees, equipment, and agents of the Twin Falls Canal Company. To facilitate operation and maintenance, the canal banks must be free of all impediments including fences, sprinklers, and equipment. Any water crossing Company laterals where mossing or maintenance work is done requires a siphon.
Burning: Waterusers should remove siphon tubes and gated pipes from the canal rights-of-way when Company employees are burning ditches and canal banks.